Liturgical Calendar algorithm

Data exhange is becoming more and more essential for our daily workings. And public data is becoming more and more accessible. It is important that publicly accessible data be available in an accessible and usable format. So I decided to write a new service endpoint as regards generation of the Liturgical Calendar. For now I’m working on the General Roman Calendar, with the idea that although it will principally generate the general roman calendar, it could be made flexible enough to allow integration of external rules so that any diocese or religious order could generate the liturgical calendar with their own local festivities.

Again, I decided to use the same model as the BibleGet Project, a service endpoint that will generate the data flow (principally json format, but optionally also xml) that can then be elaborated and utilized by user interfaces. This is a work in progress, and again is open source ( In fact if the liturgical calendar consists in public data, why shouldn’t the project that will generate it as a data endpoint also be open to the community.

You can see an example of it in action here:

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